2019 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms-Real Truth About Spirituality

Check out This Soul Reading Test For Spiritual Awakening


2019 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms

Going through my awakening was really scary I didn’t even know what was happening until it happened. Every day was weirder and weirder I felt like the world was changing within me but on the outside everything was the same. Have you ever felt that way before? Where your outer world was the same but your inner world was completely different. I felt that way all the time and it didn’t make sense to me. I had to find out what was going on so I went deep inside myself threw a meditations I found online but to no avail to helping me understand what was going on. It wasn’t until I took this test that really helped me understand what was happening to me. This test revealed to me what path in life I was on, and where I was headed. It was actually really scary how accurate this was, but it was also such a relieve knowing that I’m ok and everything was ok and everything happening was a planned process and not some random situation that was happening just to me. Now this test had helped me realise my path and understand that the energy I was releasing was changing because my inner world was changing and with this change inside my inner world it changed my outer world.2019 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms

Here are some things I learned about my spiritual awakening that I hope help you in your spiritual awakening.2019 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms

The more you journey into the spiritual the darker it can get

Once you begin your spiritual path you must understand that at first it will be weird and confusing. The more I journeyed into spiritual awakening the more layers got peeled off from me. All those corrupted thoughts deep inside me starting changing me and it was scary and weird and really don’t want to get to that point again.Your spiritual journey is not something to be taken likely it is a time of self reflection and transformation and it will transform you like nothing else.

What Path Are You On?


No one way is the right way

There isn’t one way into spiritual awakening. There is a multitude of ways that you can become awake; the religions understand this as well. There are Catholics, Christians, Jews and many other religions that are not known to the world but they all have at least one person who is spiritually awake and that they look up to because there are different ways to becoming spiritually awake. This spiritual journey that you are embarking on will give you twists and challenges that you’ve never before seen and it will be difficult and weird to test but it will be an interesting journey.

However please understand that there isn’t just one way for your spiritual journey, don’t listen to anyone that says” if you don’t do it this way you’re on the wrong path” every path can be the right path, what matters is how much effort your putting into your spiritual journey and if you have faith in the path your following. If you do have faith and put your time and effort into the spiritual journey you will find openings and you will start to understand the truth of the spiritual journey that you’re on. There’s no one way to be spiritually awake, theirs just effort time and a dedication to the journey, continue to learn and strive and get better every single day on your journey do this and success is guaranteed.

Be prepared for a multitude of people tell you to do it one way. Everyone else is stuck in their own ways, have you tried telling a man who has been a Christian for 20 years that he was wrong in what he was worshipping? It’s almost impossible because they’re stuck in their own way of thinking and won’t take on any other way of life or even be open to it which is sad but at the same time the truth. So be open in your spiritual journey and be ready for heart ache. It’s going to be tough and difficult but you can do it

It’s lonely

This journey is not for people, it’s not for your friends, and it’s not for you family, it’s for you. No one else knows what you’re going through, people can tell you that they have had similar experiences but nobody can tell you that they actually know what it’s like to go through a spiritual awakening. It’s only catered to you for a spiritual awakening so please doesn’t try to bring others along with you. Now it’s ok to have a support group to talk to, they can give you advice if you’re stuck and if you feel overwhelmed (which will happen) then you’re going to need someone to talk to or rather it would be nice to have someone to talk to, but this option isn’t always available to everyone and some of us don’t have that option, if that’s the case then come back to this post and read this line. YOUR ARE NOT ALONE. The person writing this post is also going through an awakening and is also on a spiritual journey and so are many others. The truth is the whole world I on a spiritual journey there just not putting in much effort on their ends so there not going through the battles inside themselves like we are. There are people who are mentally torturing themselves but refuse to get any help because they will see themselves as weak or the world will see them as weak which is simply not true.

Everyone needs support at one point in time and now that we have the internet we can connect online and support each other. I may not be able to see your face but I can understand the pain your going through and the pain you’ve been through because I’ve been through, Believe me when I tell you that it gets better and it gets easier, just keep working for It and stay committed this spiritual path is well worth it as you will see soon enough.

Ego is the enemy

That is the ego talking because it understands the more spiritual you get the weaker the ego gets. The greatest enemy and the biggest obstacle to spiritual awakening is not anything out there it’s your ego which is inside. A quote I read” the richest place in the world is not the bank but it’s the graveyard because there you’ll find amazing music, and astronauts and scientists that never fulfilled there dreams because of fear of success” This is the truest and purest way to understand what the ego is.


Learn your energy and what path your own once you do that you will then understand what steps need to be taken to continue your spiritual journey. Once you you’re on the right path you will find solutions, people, and the support group you need that fit your needs and that will help you achieve your goals in life. Take back your power which can only be done threw spiritual awakening2019 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms

Now this test had helped me realise my path and understand that the energy I was releasing was changing because my inner world was changing and with this change inside my inner world it changed my outer world. Here are some things I learned about my spiritual awakening that I hope help you in your spiritual awakening.

2019 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms can be amazing and scary.Please understand that there isn’t just one way for your spiritual journey, don’t listen to anyone that says” if you don’t do it this way you’re on the wrong path” every path can be the right path, what matters is how much effort your putting into your spiritual journey and if you have faith in the path your following. If you do have faith and put your time and effort into the spiritual journey you will find openings and you will start to understand the truth of the spiritual journey that you’re on. The truth is the whole world I on a spiritual journey there just not putting in much effort on their ends so there not going through the battles inside themselves like we are.